Osteosarcoma Tumor Models
Osteosarcoma Tumor Models. Cell lines can be derived from the ATTC* or EuroBoNet network#. Data on tumor type and age/sex were obtained from ATTC or EuroBoNet records. Data on in vivo tumor growth, angiogenesis (+ mild, ++ moderate, +++ strong) and presence of metastases at autopsy were reported by Mohseny et al.
Stanford Cell Science Imaging Facility:
Stanford Nano Shared Facilities:
Safety of Metal Implants/Prostheses:
Stanford Radiology Training Programs:
BiRAT is a newly developed web-based distributed cluster based server infrastructure for centralized storage, pooling and sharing of preclinical imaging data. A web-based software application was developed to manage, access, and share data using both private and public web clients for better data security and accessibility. The application also includes a robust 3D/4D image viewer. Future developments will add modular processing tools for quantitative image analyses and AI applications. The application is being tested on CIRP data while further refinement and development of the system are in progress.
SCi3 Computational Resources, for specialized image visualization, analysis and quantitation provide shared workstations (10-15) with remote access to a number of advanced software tools both commercial and open sources including: Amira, PMOD, VivoQuant, ImageJ, Micro View, Matlab, VevoLab, Osirix, Siemens IRW, Bruker Skyscan suite, Living Image and other. Free support and training also provided as needed per individual user request or specific project. Most of the data analysis for this project will be performed through the software tools and support available within this computational resources.
Quantitative Tumor MRI
Other tools:
- 3D Slicer ( 3D Slicer is a free, open source and multi-platform software package widely used for medical, biomedical, and related imaging research.It includes many plugins for quantitative image analysis.
- OsiriX Lite ( OsiriX Lite is a free viewer of DICOM medical images for the Mac platform.
- Pyradiomics ( Pyradiomics is an open-source software package that extracts quantitative image features (“radiomics data”) from medical images. The package includes routines to load and preprocess the images.
- ePAD ( The electronic Physician Imaging Workstation (ePAD) is a web based image viewing and analysis platform for biomedical images. It provides an intuitive interface and plugins for quantitative image feature extraction.
SOP Directory
Reference Standards
Radiology Grand Rounds:
Stanford Center for Cancer Systems Biology: